
We can't list exact prices here, because every job is very different. Your best option is to call us at 469-431-4485 and describe your problem, and we can give you a price estimate over the phone.

Small Jobs: $100 + An example might be a one-stop trip to remove a snake in the patio, or dead animal in the attic. Not a far drive outside our service range.

Medium Jobs: $250 + An example might be a multi-stop project involving setting traps, returning twice to remove and relocate wildlife, minor repairs, etc.

Large Jobs: $500 + An example might be a project with several service visits, full home and attic inspection, multiple animals, complex repairs, attic cleanup, etc.

Waking up in the middle of the night and going downstairs to find a rat or mouse crawling around your kitchen or in your bathroom can be quite upsetting. It can make even the bravest man screech. One of the biggest problems with these kinds of animals is that if you have seen one that could mean that there are dozens more on your property. You could very well mean a wildlife removal service and we want you to know that we are the very best and taking care of problem. We are the very best rodent control company in the area. We not only remove these mice or rats from your house, but also do a thorough inspection to locate any potential entryways they are using to gain access into your house. We provide professional grade repairs on all entryways they may be using, denying them any future access. If your problem is not a rodent, but is a flying animal gaining access into your attic or to the walls of your house, we can root out these problems as well. No animal is too small or too large for us to handle. We know how to safely and humanely remove wildlife animals from your property and to do it at a cost that fits your budget. We provide exceptional customer service and we are available 24 hours a day. No matter what time of day you have an issue, we are here to get your wildlife animal out of your property.